Kamal Coachversity
Accelerate your life success
To attain remarkable success, one has to follow the right strategy. Whether you want to develop yourself, get rid of negative mindset or excel in your career, Kamal Coachversity offers the right tools & framework to propel your life with motivated mindset.
This Is How I Can Help You

Achieve Greatness
Build Roadmap based on your strength and weakness

Outshine your competitors
Assess your current capabilities & Assist in upgrading your skill

Develop New perspective
Hakuna Matata!!!
Join the Ranks
About Kamal

More than a coach, I am a Catalyst and My Name is Kamal. In a one liner, bringing transformational success at rapid pace in Human’s life is what am passionate about.
Here is my long journey on where I landed now as Life/Entrepreneurship Coach, Sales Trainer & Motivational speaker.
If you ask me to mention 1 good thing about myself, I am passionate about what I do.
Unfortunately, I was passionate on the opposite side on what Society demanded in my early 20s.
People expected me to pursue my studies in Engineering or Medical science but I chose Plant Biology & Biotechnology.
People expected me to focus more on academic education but I invested my hours in Self-help books and studied great minds.
People expected me to build my career as Software developer but I joined as bottom-level employee in one of Fortune 500 companies.
Though, I was on the opposite side of what people expected out of me, I never regret about the decisions I made. Because, I was passionate about what I was doing at different phases in my life.
I never thought that I was losing as I failed to meet People’s expectation.
And here is the secret why I never regret about my decisions.
I was very much aware about myself and what was happening around me.
I, strongly believed that Self-awareness was the initial step in the roadmap to achieve happiness, success and contentment.
You always get criticized for things you do (it can be good or bad! – You’ll be criticized for all your actions)
I was no exception. While it is important to plan our future, we should not forget that what we do in the current moment impacts the outcome.
Past is finished
Future is uncertain
But we can learn the best from Past & Commit to a goal on how you want to be in future
With this attitude, you live the Present moment to the fullest and be passionate about what you do. And that’s my secret on how I landed in different niches like Life/Entrepreneurship Coaching, NLP, Sales & Fitness modeling.
I am a published author, entrepreneur and promoted to Management level in quick span of time (in the same company where I joined as bottom-level employee).
Kamal Coachversity is the Product of all my experiences and knowledge that I gained in all these years.
You and I are no different. If you want to get the best version of yourself, then you reach the Right Spot in your Life.

I am here to provide best Tools & Tactics , propel your actions to achieve massive success.